Virginia Hansen leaves her happy-go-lucky- heart to Nancy Wisely.
Joan Hart leaves for Florida and Clarence.
Shirley Hauseman leaves her long fingernails to Paula Bresee.
Mary Ellen Cochrun leaves her sweet personality to Barbara Tyner.
Juilia Clark wills her very valuable recipe 'How to make up an excuse" to Jean Hays.
Barbara Cook wills her superior knowledge of chemistry to Ronnie Nesmith.
Marilyn Martin leaves to get married.
Nancy Mayer leaves her ability to carry on a conversation to any shy underclassman.
Shirley Newsome leaves on a weekend trip to Southern Illinois.
Jack Althaus leaves to the relief of the faculty.
Mike Bowen leaves his presidency to any presidency-minded junior.
Dan Burwash leaves his truck to Newt Dodds.
Allen Cannon leaves his car to anyone who wants to pick up the pieces and put them back together
Jon Erickson leaves his seat in the band to anyone who wants to sit by Joe.
Wilma Coventry wills her right to blush to Sheila Godfrey.
Gene Johns leaves his "car" to Tommy Bonwell.
Ouida Jackson leaves her good nature to some lucky sophomore.
Ronnie Lee leaves Joey Markland to no one.
Louis Gray leaves in a hurry.
"Sancy" Hayes leaves her blond hair to Sharon Chaplin.
Betty Corbett wills her position as chief chatterer to Roberta Osborn.
Tom Lewis leaves his height to Dave Lemmon.
Carol Meyers leaves her pretty hair to anyone who would like to have it.
Tom Garrett leaves his younger brothers and sisters to Hulah B. Smith.
Gene Fincham takes Sylvia Rogers with him.
Shirley Hill leaves her ability to go steady with Dave Warnock to anyone who needs it.
Bill Farmer leaves all his girl friends with regret.
Allen LeGrande leaves all his harassed teachers with the thought that he has a younger brother.
Phil Matteson leaves his artistic leanings in the poster-making department to Susan Gliessman.
Louie Mays leaves his manager's job to junior managers.
Tom Meeks leaves his guard position to Tom Breen, Jim Freeman, Max Cisne, and Jim Ganaway.
Herbert Nesbitt leaves the art room regretfully.
Jimmie Phillips leaves willingly.
Shirley Grubb leaves with the army and Hank.
Nancy Schubert leaves her height to Evelyn Bishop.
Patsy Demlow leaves any Urbana boys to any Champaign girls who will take them.
Shirley Price leaves her curls to Nancy Schurtz.
Carolyn Scholz bequeaths her smiles to Jerry O'Neil, providing he uses them once a week.
Helen Worsham wills her vocabulary to anyone that can understand it.
Mary Ann Stahl leaves the gavel to the Student Council president of 1953-54.
Judy Tipsword bequeaths her stylish hairdo to Carolyn Nesbitt.
Ted Appel leaves his cackle to Jack Schlacter.
Jerry Barham leaves his mean look to Bill Baker.
Quinton Bowles leaves his ability to play the drums to Carol Michael.
Tom Carlton leaves his front row assembly seat to Jim Withrow.
Dick Nesmith leaves his wavy hair to Turp Gannaway.
Gene Meyer leaves his eagerness to Duane Foster.
Carl Meeks leaves his wrestling ability and holds to Bob Stewart.
Jim Neal leaves his tuba to Margaret Sisk.
John Pettit leaves, still wondering why he came.
Dick Ogden leaves Champaign rather than Urbana.
Dale Lewis departs and hopes that everyone else will too.
Nancy Klopfenstein leaves Dick Lierman with regret.
Carol Knudson leaves her love life to Jim Henke.
Carolee Kofoid leaves her cafeteria job to Newtie Dodds
Sharon Lappin leaves her lost shoes and wet socks in the girls' P. E. dressing room.
Shirley Lassen leaves her baby blue eyes to Bob Stewart.
Jim Townsley leaves his Ford to the Driver Training Class.
Rex Wood leaves his drawing equipment to next year's project house architect.
Virginia Percy wills her punctuality to La Vern Lewis.
Norma Phelps bequeaths her melodious voice to Mr. Sotka, to be given to the best singer in next year's bookeeping class.
Ola Bundy wills her Maroon staff underclassman to the 1953-54 editor.
Ruth Bulkley wills her high voice to Pat Hagen.
Donna Carter wills her beautiful complexion to Ethelann Cole.
Keith Whited leaves his sports talent to his brother.
Phyllis Lichtenwalter leaves her "Speed of Light" to Barbara Farrell
Monika Loerke is happily leaving for Germany and home.
Jackie Luce leaves her "elfish" smile to brighten the halls of C. H. S.
Doris McCowan leaves with Bill Lynch.
Judy Markland leaves her sister Joie.
Bob Dalhaus leaves in a "drag race".
Carl Conly leaves.
Randall Cremeens leaves his quiet nature to Joe Speiser.
Sarita Alexander leaves her quiet attentiveness to Phyllis Warmbier.
Patricia Anderson leaves her ability to acquire a frat pin Marcie Storm.
Barbara Bailey leaves her sweet personality to Ellen Johnston.
Betty Lou Baker leaves her cheering position to "Mage" Giuffre.
Bill Lynch leaves his good behavior to "Turp" Gannaway.
Virgil Millage gives his weight to John Matthews.
Roger Spahr, Dean Smalling, Dave Marsh, and Bobby Clark leave tumbling down the front steps.
Wally Heintzen says he would like John Pfeffer to have his beautiful baritone voice.
Larry Hopkins leaves his art for basketball "long shots" to Bill Mack.
Jim House leaves his used tardy excuses to Lionel Getz.
Terry Hudson leaves hid debate presidency to Chris Meyer.
Wendell Hull leaves the protecting care of his little sister to Bill Gabbard.
Betty Stillwell wills her sailor boys to any Junior that can handle them.
Jeanene Taylor wills her ability to leave classes anytime she gets ready.
Ruth Woodward wills her ability to tumble to anyone that can stand on their own two feet perfectly.
Carolyn Fletcher wills her pretty blue eyes to any cute underclassman.
Mary Jane Bruggeman wills her giddy laugh to whoever wants it.


Bob Adams is now president of the Bow Wow Dog Food Company.
Dwight Bennett is seen as a budding young movie star.
Barbara Nogle is now an Airline Stewardess on Trans World Airlines.
Jack Dixon is using money from the G. I. Bill to put himself through the National Tea-Tasting Institute.
Wilma Cox is a professional wrestler.
Donna Davis is starring in "The Life of Esther Williams".
Bob Apperson is seen as a construction engineer.
Butch Bruhn is now a Youth Center director.
Rita Hansen is chief librarian of the New York Public Library.
Harold Keller is the new stock car record holder at the Champaign-Urbana Speedway.
Barbara Hines is now playing her "Glockenspiel" in the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra.
Jackie Jobe is typing for Vanderbilt Jr. for $175 a week.
Mary Ellen Heinicke is playing first base for the New York Giants.
Richard DeLong is the New World's stilt-walking champion.
Ray Griffet is the manager of a factory which manufactures wooden handles for flour sacks.
Claudette Paris is now a dancing instructor at Arthur Murray's studio in New York.
Don Kemp is the second man on the Arborgast show.
Betsy Norman is now happily married and the mother of two sets of twins.
Gay Parkhill is now a P. E. instructor at Stephens College.
Carol Merrifield is now the assistant librarian at C. H. S.
Ronnie Koch is a rival of Charles Atlas in the muscle-building profession.
Bill Fleming is competing in the French bicycle races.
Sonny Matteson is now working as a tester for a hair dye company.
David Norton is the president of the Champaign First National Bank.
Dick Michael has just formed a famous dance orchestra under his name. The orchestra includes Ted Appel, Jim Neal, and Quinton Bowles.
Charles Morrill has just been promoted to a circulation supervisor at the Urbana Courier.
Charles Oliger has just been seen doing nothing.
Terry O'Neill is seen working for the Pontiac Automotive Co., testing cars for rapid acceleration.
Larry Rice is seen as a famous physicist at Yale University.
Jean Decker is running a home for wayward girls.
Joyce Denman is a voodoo specialist.
Marily Evers besides being sponsor of F. T. A., is teaching history and economics in Hula B's room.
Barbara Fanning is touring the South Sea Islands with her husband who is an admiral in the Navy.
Esther Pittman is currently seen on the front cover of Life. She is modeling the latest swimming suit.
Janet Royce is now twenty-eight and is still debating the question of marriage or college.
Loretta Scott and Raymond Wise have just taken their vows of "do or don't."
Lloyd White is starring in the hottest play on Broadway. His agents are Robert S. Williams and Mildred Rich.
The best seller of the day is "Latest Gossip" by Joyce Simpson.
Donna Keene is now a career girl in Peiping.
Sharon Kelly is now a Metropolitan Opera satr.
Kay Kesler lives happily on an Arizona farm with her husband and four children.
Erma Knupp is an Army nurse in Germany.
Mary Langhoff is now an interior decorator for Marshall Field and Co.
Marjorie Althaus is now teaching Zoology at Harvard.
Donna Armstrong is teaching Home Economics at C. H. S.
Barbara Barrett is now a harpist with the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra.
Myrna Anglin and her husband are operating a chicken farm in Tombstone, Arizona.
Mary Jo Lynn is now the hot rod empress on the island of Mumbo Gumbo.
Joyce McCormick is vice-president of the "Jean Decker Home for Wayward Girls."
Margaret McHenry leaves on her honeymoon.
Sue Maley has replaced Pavlova as the world's greatest dancer.
Eddie Caster and Dick Cruse are seen as owners of several gas stations over the state.
Charles Davis has just won his one-hundredth straight stock car race.
Rita Warmbier is seen as a driver training instructor at Urbana High School.
Betty Wingler is seen as a professor of Mechanical Engineering at the U. of I.
Pat Tummelson is seen as the mother of eight children.
Judy Turner is seen as a soloist with the Boston Pops Orchestra.
In ten years, Russel Guy will be running a gambling casino in Florida. "Russ's Roulette Rendezvous."
Dale Hahn leaves Hulah's flowers to Emmy Stipes.
In the future we see Dick Haines against Gorgeous George on Channel 7.
Bill Hartz is now operating a band in Texas.
After leaving the Army with a great deal of artillary experience, we see Hank Hatch shooting wheat from guns for the Quaker Puffed Wheat Co.
Francis "Hopalong" Cassidy is now a star for Paramount Pictures.
Jim Nelson is now head of the Techni-Print Film Co.
Billy Oliver is acting supervisor of the Virginia Theater.
Bill Buckles is now executive for the RKO Motion Picture Corporation.
Stan Butts is playing guard for the Harlem Globetrotters.
Bob Alsop is a rhetoric professor at the University of Illinois.
Devon Baines is repairing phonograph needles at Mendel Riley's.
Phil Brown is playing right tackle for the San Francisco 49'ers.
Lawrence Pope is a high official in the cigar industry.
John Pettit is currently is starring in the ever-popular movie "Bruno."
Dick Rohr is a test driver for the Ford Motor Co.
Dick Ryan is a movie producer in Hollywood.
Jack Moore owns a mink farm in Wyoming.
David Warnock is seen as a professor of Physics at the U. of I.
Treva McWethy is currently seen as office manager at W. Lewis and Co.
Jim Cochrun is playing right guard for the Chicago Bears.
Susan Black is a Social Science teacher at Champaign Junior High.
Barbara Brawner is an actress on Broadway.
Margaret Clabaugh is an opera star.
Pat Burgess is a Secretary at Champaign High.
John Wilson is now a famous playwright for Gary Crosby's show.
As we stroll down the halls of C. H. S. we find Sharon Cruthers teaching in the music room, having recently joined the faculty.
Roy Feldkamp is making a tidy fortune by selling forged absence excuses to C. H. S. students.
Don Maxwell is currently serving on the Champaign Police Force.
Jo Curtis, Jane Daugherty, and Juanita Cramer run an employment agency for high school students.

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